Monday, March 29, 2010

So what is a doula and why would I need one?

Doula is the Greek work for maid servant.  Throughout history women have been surrounded by the care and compassion of women who are experts in the field of maternity care.  I am proud to be considered one of those women.

Many women may have heard of the term doula when it comes to childbirth but did you know that there are postpartum doulas?  We are women who will come to you during those fragile transitional moments after the baby is born.  The role of a postpartum doula is to help a woman through her postpartum period and to nurture the family.

Unlike a baby nurse, a doula’s focus is not solely on the baby.  Our role is to help the entire family feel confident in their new roles. We are their to help the father and older children as well as the mother and the baby.

Knowing that the family is an evolving, connected unit enables doulas to do their job.  We gauge our success by how independent the family is at the end of the time we have with them. 

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Preparing For Baby

So much time and effort goes into planning for baby but with all the millions of baby items available many parents can get overwhelmed by what is truly a necessity and what will be stuck in the closet only to be found in a couple of years when you are doing your spring cleaning.

Click the following Baby Essentials  and it will take you to the Babies "R" Us website.  I have compiled a baby registry to take the guess work out what you really need to welcome baby into your world. 

I have added in items for those of you that are expecting multiples and also those of you that are intending to bottle feed your babies.

I hope you will find it helpful but as always, if you have any questions or suggestions please feel free to comment below.


Monday, March 1, 2010

Welcome to Mum's The Word

For many years I have worked in the wonderful world of maternity care.

It is truly my life’s mission to work with new families. I feel so blessed to be able to help ease the transition for parents and their most treasured possessions - their new baby!

So why would you want to read yet another "guide" to newborn care. Well the truth is, you probably already have all the answers. Most parents I have worked with really do but what they also have is the lack of confidence to act on their intuition.

My intent by sharing this blog is to guide you and take some of the mystery out of those first few months of having a new little person come into your life.

Feel free to share with me any comments or questions - I'm only an email away